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Book: The Change Makers Playbook


Amy Radin

Author and former Global Chief Innovation Officer of Citi

Amy Radin is a highly experienced, down to earth, visionary and pragmatic innovation expert. She was Citi’s first Global Chief Innovation Officer, and also held executive marketing positions at American Express and AXA. She now works with leaders faced with the imperative to innovate, helping them pursue new sources of growth and value while reducing the inevitable risks.

Amy has had the unique opportunity to lead or advise on digital, marketing and innovation transformations at Fortune companies, privately-held middle-market businesses, early-stage startups and not-for-profits. She has produced results with a customer-focused, collaborative mindset and a willingness to question and depart from the status quo when what worked in the past constrains creating the future.

Through her diverse experiences, Amy has created and pressure-tested the Seek, Seed and Scale framework.

What sets Amy apart is her understanding of the reality of organizational culture and complexity, and her realistic approach to what innovation success requires. She uniquely lays the path between market need and the internal mechanisms to deliver.

The Change Maker’s Playbook: How to Seek, Seed and Scale Innovation in Any Company is newly available in paperback, as well as hardcover, e-book and audio formats. In both the Playbook and as a keynote speaker, Amy shares her tremendous expertise and perspective, with her characteristically authentic voice, on what it takes to identify and create new sources of value and growth for any organization’s stakeholders.

Amy is a graduate of The Wharton School and Wesleyan University. She lives in the New York City metro area.